Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Can leadership be taught? The answer is simple. Yes, leadership, like all skills, can be taught. The literature is clear on the essential components, styles, and dynamics. Educational materials and programs abound.

But can leadership be learned? The answer to that question isn't obvious. It seems that leadership, one of the scarcest and least enduring components of human capital, is not learned easily or well.

First things first. What is leadership anyway? According to Al Gini, a lecturer at Loyola University in Chicago, leadership is a "power- and value-laden relationship between leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purposes and goals." In plainer language, leadership is the dynamic that galvanizes individuals into groups to make things different or to make things better -- for themselves, for their enterprise, for the world around them.

The "Great Man Theory" of human history focused our attention solely on the ideas espoused, the actions taken, and the outcomes generated by people in positions of power. Today, ideas and assessments of leadership are more democratic.

Leadership itself is a collaborative function; the leader and the led are seen as in a potentially symbiotic and synergistic relationship. And power and impact are a function of that relationship rather than of a position.

Much of leadership education is devoted to teaching style and technique. Much of what is taught is, in fact, not leadership at all but management. It is entirely possible to learn and even to put into practice what is taught and still fail at being a good leader. The essential components of leadership have remained more or less constant: intelligence, insight, instinct, vision, communication, discipline, courage, constancy.

All can be studied and studied again. The ability to ace leadership principles and practices does not, however, mean that leadership has been learned. Because what is being taught does not necessarily help leadership candidates learn the essentials. Knowing is one thing; doing is quite another.

Leadership 101 should focus on helping people develop the human qualities and capacities required for leading in virtually any endeavor. Here's the course load I recommend:

1. Thinking: Leaders must know how to gather, sort, and structure information, and then connect it in new ways to create intelligence. Today, being informed is confused with being smart.

2. Seeing: Leadership requires vision. And developing a vision requires the ability to see. To look backward and see clearly what has happened. To see what's in front of your nose, the present tense. To see ahead to the next day when the challenges will be greater. To see the future that will become reality.

3. Feeling: Yes, empathy for the led is vital. As Michael Hammer, coauthor of Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution, says, "All change is loss. Even when change is for the better, there is still loss." Leadership is not simply a form of therapy, however. The essential feeling is the one in your gut where morality and certainty live. The right way ahead is not in the data. It is an informed intuitiveness. This is where charisma comes from.

4. Listening: All can hear. But few really listen. And too many people only listen to themselves. How to listen to colleagues and collaborators, how to listen to markets and constituencies, and how to listen to yourself -- all through the endless din of the present, the ominous voices of the past, and the deafening silence portending the future -- is vital.

5. Speaking: The watershed capacity in leadership is unquestionably communication. Through it, people are informed, convinced, united, motivated, and directed -- things that are critical to group enterprise from the inside and to buy-in on the outside. The powers to inform and persuade win the battles for hearts and minds.

6. Walking: The art and science of putting one foot in front of the other, sometimes referred to as "waking the talk," is the "doing" part of leading. Credibility comes from being first through the door to the unknown. Standing in one place, or stepping back while others take risks to make the frontier safe for others, simply doesn't cut it. Moving forward is not a leap or a sprint but a plodding process.

7. Fitness: Leadership requires strength and endurance in all areas -- physical, mental, and moral. Because leadership is a heavy load. Because it is a long journey that drains resources.

Is there a leadership school -- a "leadership boot camp" -- that teaches this stuff? I'm not sure. But to learn much of it, I would suggest a liberal-arts education supplemented with lots of real-world experience and with doing almost anything to make change

Change for the better is appealing; the work of creating it, however, is certainly fraught with social, emotional, economic, and other dangers. In the final analysis, the vast majority would rather study the life of leaders in class than learn the lessons of leadership in the world. Which is why leadership is often taught but so rarely learned.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Dear all,

In the previous post I gave an introduction about Telemetry. Now I am giving more details for your convenance. I hope this series of article will help you in increasing your general knowledge.

In general, the resulting values need to be brought into a suitable form so that they can be tracked.

Special attention requires the transmission of DC signals, as obtained eg resistive or capacitive sensors (eg voltage change to a constant current flows, temperature-dependent resistance). Suitable measures pulse train is such a measuring voltage to an AC voltage or a put, so that supply voltage variations and temperature drifts. Transmission modules do not simulate the change of measured value. suitable for this purpose such as a pulse train whose pulse rate or pulse duration of resistance or capacitance of the sensor is different.

The transmission frequency of the telemetry transmitter may be modulated by such a pulse sequence or with a sensor directly from the supplied AC signal.

In the receiver this signal is recovered by suitable demodulation and derived from the corresponding measurement value. An applied method for analog measurement
signals, for example, a pulse shaper with low pass filter.

Today, virtually only digital Telemetries are common. The recorded measurement is implemented locally using an analog-digital converter (ADC A / D converter) into a binary string that can then be tracked with suitably modulated carrier and the receiving end reconstructed without information loss.

Please stand by for the next part of the article.

Please do leave comments.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Telemetry (= remote sensing) is the transmission of measured values at a monitoring site located probe ( sensor ) to a remote location. At this place of receipt, the measured values are available only collected and recorded or evaluated immediately.

Telemetry is often accompanied by a pathway for detecting sensor, so as to respond to readings delivered with appropriate measures. This return path is called a remote control (Telekommandierung, Tele-Command).

Pure telemetry

A telemetry that transfers the data over long distances is called the far field telemetry. This is for example the
collection of weather data, technical data from a moving vehicle ( aircraft, space vehicles, racing cars), the tracking of migratory animals such as lynx and Honey Buzzard , in the transmission of decentralized traffic information or in the transmission of medical data inserted probes, where the outside world. is not felt.

Telemetry called applications in which data is transmitted over short distances by moving machine parts on a stationary receiver. For example, state data of gas turbine rotors and tire pressures of rotating vehicle wheels are provided.

Often the data to spatially widely separated locations are recorded and measured by telemetry to a central office sent there to be recorded and / or evaluated.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Since the dawn of civilization, Society has been a subject for speculation
and inquiry along with other phenomena, which have agitated the restless
and inquisitive mind of man. Even centuries ago men were thinking about
society and its organisation and held views on man and his destiny, the rise
and fall of civilizations. Though they were thinking about the subject matter
of they were, called philosophers historians, thinkers, lawgivers and the like.
Thus, broadly it may be said that. Sociology has had a four fold origin, in
political philosophy, the philosophy of history, biological theories of evolution
and the movements for social and political reforms....... "
In India, the most ancient social thought can be seen in the Vedas, the
Puranas. the Upanishads. the laws of Manu and Arthashastra of Kautilya
which clearly reflect the social ideas of the Hindus.
In Ain-i-Akbari (or institutes (if Akbar) of Abul Fazai, one can see a
complete picture of society during the time of Akbar. the great Mughul. All
these works show that the subject of sociology is an old one though as a
scientific discipline sociology is not that old.
Sociology was introduced to India an academic discipline only after
world war I. Since then being closely allied with social philosophy and
anthropology, it emerged as an independent social science in the 19th century.
The Sociological thinking has gained some momentum in Bombay with
its mouthpiece "sociological bulletin" and in Agra with its organ "Journal of
social sciences". In the year 1919, sociology was first introduced in Bombay
University. Later in the year 1950. sociology was introduced in Mysore/Madras and Delhi universities. Some prominent sociologists of our country
like G.S.Ghurye. S.C.Dube, K.M Kapadia, M.N.Srinivas, Iravathi Karve,
A.R.Desai, P.N.Prabhu, K.N.Venkatarayappa. C.Parvathamma and many others have contributed their might to the enrichment of the discipline. Sociology is now taught in many universities as one of the major
disciplines. It has become more and more popular at the level of students

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

About Kyasanur Forest Disease

Kyasanur disease is an acute viral infection caused by the Kyasanur forest disease virus, a member of the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae, is a viral haemorrhagic fever endemic in South Asia, started for the first time in Karnataka (India) causing an outbreak among monkeys killing several of them in 1957 that is called disease of monkeys .


The disease has a high rate of morbidity up to 10%. The symptoms are:

High sore
Bleeding from the nasal cavity and throat.
Vomiting .
Intestinal bleeding.

Prevention and treatment

The prophylaxis by vaccination, and preventive measures such as protective clothing, control of tick and mosquito . There is no specific treatment like other hemorrhagic fevers.

Hearing loss and hearing aids

Now let us know briefly about hearing losses.

There may be several causes for hearing losses. Such as: Outer ear trauma (injury to the outer ear), Middle ear infections, damage to the tympanic membrane, or problems within the inner ear. Apart from this, High noise, age factors also contributes in the hearing loss.

Let us know the reasons for old age hearing loss.


What Is Presbycusis?

What are the symptoms? How can you know if you might have presbycusis?

Maybe you have noticed it is harder to hear people talk in noisy places.
Maybe you find yourself withdrawing more socially because of the frustrations of understanding people.
It is harder to hear sounds you are used to, like water running

How Does Presbycusis Happen?

As a person ages, their cochlear hair cells may become damaged. This results in a high-frequency hearing loss that can start as early as middle age. The
adult male of the species appears to be at greater risk, particularly if he is over 40 years old. In addition, there may be a genetic component to presbycusis.
Noise exposure is also known to play a role.

The impact of presbycusis can be seen in age-hearing loss charts. As a person ages, the middle ear also ages, going through physical changes that make it more difficult for a person to discriminate sound.

Statistics show a large percentage of older folks develop presbycusis. As many as half over 75 may have hearing loss. According to the a Profile of Older
Americans from the federal Department of Health and Human Services Administration on Aging, hearing loss was one of the most common condition experienced
by mature people in a survey.

As it is mentioned above that the Presbycusis (oldage hearing loss) is caused by damage to the cochlear hair cells or because hardening of the tympanic membrane, it results in high frequency hearing loss; therefore, this problem can mostly be solved with the help of hearing aids, but it is very essential that the hearing aid must be manufactured or adjusted to the each individual patients ability of hearing otherwise, the hearing aid may not be useful.

Though it is said that a normal person can hear between 20 HZ to 20 KHZ, it varies depending upon the age. However, normal hearing frequency of hearing is 50 HZ to 15 KHZ. As the age progresses, the hearing of high frequencies get decreased; therefore, each individual patient is to be assessed and adjusted the hearing aids, but unfortunately, it is fully not happening these days so the option of hearing aids as treatment is not proving much effective.

About hearing and ears.

Human being is the most intelligent and intellectual living being of all the living beings.

Human brain and body are the most complex and complicated thing to understand. Brain is the most important and complex of all the organs. Human brain is similar to a computer, which is the human creation. The brain can be simulated to a computer because computer also accepts the data from outside through input devices and processes it and gives the result through output devices as human brain does. The input devices of human brain are called senses. There are five input devices are senses. They are: Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. Eyes are helpful in input of visual things. The ears are used to hear or for audio input. Nose is used to understand the smell. Tongue tells us the taste, and the skin is used to touch and feel. These five senses are very vital in giving the information to the brain.

Now let us no the function and importance of the ears.

As mentioned above, the ears play an important role in understanding the speech and taking the audio input; therefore, the intactness of the ear is very necessary.

Now let us try to no the structure and function of the ears.

Introduction to ears and hearing

Audition is the scientific name for the sense of sound. Sound is a form of energy that moves through air, water, and other matter, in waves of pressure. Sound is the means of auditory communication, including frog calls, bird songs and spoken language. Although the ear is the vertebrate sense organ that recognizes sound, it is the brain and central nervous system that "hears". Sound waves are perceived by the brain through the firing of nerve cells in the auditory portion of the central nervous system. The ear changes sound pressure waves from the outside world into a

signal of nerve impulses sent to the brain.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mesothelioma and its relation to exposure to asbestos

What is mesothelioma?

Malignant mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that starts in the mesothelium, a membrane that covers and protects most internal organs of the body. The mesothelium is composed of two layers, one surrounding the body itself, and the other forms a sac around it completely. A small amount of fluid is normally produced between these two layers, lubricating the motion of the organs protected. When normal cells of the mesothelium lose control and spread quickly, they produce mesothelioma. The form of mesothelioma is the most common mesothelioma "pleural". It occurs in the pleura, the lining of the lungs. Other forms are mesothelioma "peritoneal" reaching the peritoneum lining the abdominal cavity and mesothelioma "pericardial", pericardium, the lining of the heart.

What causes mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos fibers. Many people have been exposed to the army, others by their occupation, and others, secondarily, through contact with exposed workers. Because of latent cancer, it may not appear until 20-50 years or more after exposure.

Is mesothelioma is common?

Based on information obtained from the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health in Helsinki, the incidence of mesothelioma in Western Europe is expected to reach its peak between 2010 and 2020.

Who is at risk of developing mesothelioma?

Those who have worked directly with asbestos or asbestos products are most at risk of developing mesothelioma, however, mesothelioma has been reported in some individuals who have had minimal exposure.

Among the shops at high risk of developing mesothelioma include:

* The carpenter iron (including shipbuilding)
* The manufacturers of the vehicle chassis (including rail vehicles)
* Plumbing
* Gas Installers
* Carpenters
* Electricians
* Workers building
* Plastering
* Contractors
* Handyman
* Steel Manufacturers
* Painters
* Sheet Metal
* Welders

What types of products typically contain asbestos?

The following products have widely varying rates contained asbestos. This list does not include them all and is a source of general information.

  • Moulded or preformed shield used in thermal insulation of pipes and boilers
  • The planned asbestos used as protection against fire in ducts, firewall, panels, partitions, soffit boards, ceiling panels and around structural steel construction
  • Insulation panels used as protection against fire, thermal insulation, partitions and ducts
  • Jam asbestos used as fire breaks in ceiling voids
  • Cardboard wrapped, paper and paper products used for insulation of electrical equipment, asbestos paper may also be used as combustible on the side panels of wood fibers
  • Products of asbestos cement flat and corrugated sheets used to cover walls or ceilings, the cement products have also been used in gutters, rainwater pipes and water tanks
  • The textured surfaces (such as the Artex)
  • Material of roofing asphalt
  • Vinyl floor tile or thermoplastic

Breif overview of Swine Flu


New Influenza A (H1N1)

The viruses were 100 nanometers in diameter.

The flu, an official New Influenza A (H1N1), is a flu pandemic from a new strain of H1N1 - swine flu, which originated in Mexico in March 2009 . There are also some other names used, including (new) influenza A (H1N1) and (especially in the first days after the outbreak) swine flu.

The virus manifested itself first in Mexico and expanded in April to the United States and soon to other countries.

According to figures from the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are on August 28, 2009 209 438 infections and at least 2185 deaths from the virus found.

When deaths are often a combination with one or more other diseases which the patient already greatly reduced health. Only flu death is rare.

In many cases, the infection goes quite mild and many patients report not therefore. A total of 17,483 worldwide confirmed deaths. In the Netherlands it is 60. In the 'normal' Dutch seasonal flu is that between 250 and 2000.
The 'normal' flu is 4 to 35 times as dangerous as flu. The WHO was worried because in previous pandemics have shown that the aggressiveness of influenza viruses can change. This is not done with the flu.

Virus Characteristics

Genetic composition of the influenza virus
  • HA: Hemagglutinin type 1 (H1)
  • NA: Neuraminidase type 1 (N1)
  • PA: Birds , North America.
  • PB1: Human, present in an H3N2 virus from 1993.
  • PB2: Birds, North America.
  • NP: Pig, North America.
  • M: pork , Eurasia.
  • NS: Pig, North America.

Genetics and symptoms

This new strain is a reassortment of several strains of H1N1 - Influenza virus, including human influenza , avian flu and swine flu .

Worldwide death each year between 250,000 and 500,000 people from flu.

The victims are usually elders, very young children, and people with poor health. This is no different with this flu. The virus is often no more dangerous than seasonal flu, this virus would be deeper into the airways so the risk of pneumonia increases and possible changes, therefore, the virus can be dangerous.

Among the patients there are many young adults. It is suspected that these people are more sensitive to this disease. Regularly, the media referred to the Spanish flu, a pandemic that took place in 1918 and 1919, involving tens of millions of people died, many of whom were young.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Dear friends, please note that for your convinience I'm going post this article. For further details please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you, please read.

Pheniramine maleate

All medicines have risks and benefits. So please discuss these with your pharmacist or doctor to make sure that the benefits of taking AVIL outweigh any possible risks.

If you have any concerns about taking this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

What AVIL is used for
AVIL Tablets, Retard and Syrup contain pheniramine maleate, a medicine used to treat allergic conditions such as hayfever, runny nose, itching skin and skin rashes. It is also used in the prevention and treatment of inner ear disorders (eg. Meniere's disease) and travel sickness.

AVIL Decongestant also contains pheniramine maleate, ammonium chloride and menthol. It is used to treat chesty coughs, or chest or nasal congestion due to an infection or allergy.

AVIL is one of a group of medicines called 'antihistamines' which works by blocking the action of histamine.

Before taking AVIL
AVIL must not be taken if you have an allergy to:
AVIL (pheniramine maleate) or any of the ingredients listed at the end (Product Description).
Symptoms of an allergic reaction may include:
asthma, wheezing or shortness of breath
swelling of the face, lips or tongue which may cause difficulty in swallowing or breathing
hives, itching or skin rash, fainting.

When Avil should not be taken
you are taking an antidepressant medicine known as a MAO Inhibitor.
if you are male and you have an enlarged prostate.
the packaging is torn or shows signs of tampering.
the expiry date on the pack has passed.
If you take this medicine after the expiry date has passed, it may not work as well.

Do not give AVIL to a premature or newborn baby.

Before you start to take it
Tell your pharmacist if:

you have allergies to:
any other medicines
any other substances
you have or have had any of the following medical conditions:
an enlarged prostate
glaucoma (high pressure in the eye)
Taking other medicines
Before you take AVIL you should tell your pharmacist if you are taking any other medicines as some medicines and AVIL may interfere with each other. These include:-

antidepressants known as MAO inhibitors
atropine and other anticholinergic drugs
sedative drugs
AVIL may cause drowsiness and may increase the effects of alcohol and other sedative drugs.

If affected, do not drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery.

You might get used to the sedative effect after a few days of treatment, however you may prefer to change to a non-sedating antihistamine. Please discuss this option with your pharmacist.

How to take AVIL
Follow all directions given to you by your doctor or pharmacist carefully. These directions may differ from the information contained in this leaflet.

How to take AVIL
AVIL Tablets and Avil Retard tablets should be swallowed whole with plenty of water. Do not chew them.

Drink some water after taking your dose of Avil Syrup or Decongestant.

When to take AVIL
Avil should be taken with or soon after food.

Do not take the medicine on an empty stomach.

If you are taking Avil to prevent travel sickness, take a dose at least 30 minutes before travelling.

Tell your doctor or pharmacist as soon as possible if you do not feel well while you are taking AVIL, even if the problem is not listed below. AVIL helps many people with allergic conditions, travel sickness and inner ear problems and AVIL Decongestant helps a cough, chest and nasal congestion, but there may be unwanted side-effects in some people. All medicines can have side effects. Sometimes they are serious, most of the time they are not. Medical treatment may be required for some of the side effects.

Tell your pharmacist or doctor if you notice any of the following and they worry you:

nervousness, irritability, incoordination, lack of concentration
tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
nausea and vomiting
difficulty passing urine
Tell your doctor immediately if you notice any of the following:

changes in your usual behaviour or mood
severe sedation, confusion or restlessness
vision problems
irregular heart beat
Other side effects not listed above may occur in some patients.

Do not be alarmed by this list of possible side effects. You may not experience any of them.

What AVIL looks like
Avil Tablets

AVIL tablets are round white tablets with a single breakline on one face and DAR inscribed on both sides of the line. They come in packs of 10 and 50 tablets.

Avil Retard (sustained-release tablets)

Avil Retard sustained-release tablets are round red tablets. They come in packs of 50 tablets.

Avil Syrup

Avil syrup is a clear, almost colourless liquid supplied in 100mL bottles.

Avil Decongestant

AVIL Decongestant is a clear, red syrup with a cherry-menthol smell supplied in 100mL bottles.

AVIL preparations do not contain gluten, tartrazine or azo dyes.

Diabetics should note that Avil syrup contains 60% w/v of sugar. One

5mL measure contains 3.0g of sugar. AVIL Decongestant contains 50%w/v (sucrose 40%w/v and glucose 10%w/v) of sugar. One 5mL measure contains 2.5g of sugar.

Avil Tablets contain the active ingredient pheniramine maleate. There is 45.3 mg of pheniramine maleate in every tablet. Each tablet also contains maize starch, sodium starch glycollate, lactose, colloidal silica, microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate.

Avil Retard (sustained-release tablets) contain the active ingredient pheniramine maleate. There is 75 mg of pheniramine maleate in every tablet. Each tablet also contains lactose, aluminium hydroxide, montan wax, colloidal silica, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, polyvinyl acetate, sucrose, acacia gum, gelatin, glucose, calcium carbonate, titanium dioxide, erythrosine, iron oxide yellow, talc, glycerol and macrogol 6000.

Avil Syrup contains the active ingredient pheniramine maleate. There is 15 mg of pheniramine maleate in every 5 mL of syrup. It also contains sucrose (60% w/v), passionfruit flavouring, methyl hydroxybenzoate, propyl hydroxybenzoate and water.

Avil Decongestant contains the active ingredients pheniramine maleate, ammonium chloride and menthol. There is 15 mg of pheniramine maleate in every 5 mL of syrup. It also contains sucrose, glucose, amaranth, ethanol, sorbitol, cherry and raspberry flavouring, methyl hydroxybenzoate, propyl hydroxybenzoate and water.

AVIL Tablets, Retard tablets, Syrup and Decongestant syrup are supplied by:

27 Sirius Road
Lane Cove NSW 2066

Monday, January 4, 2010


Dear friends, This is the Japanese method of "Surya namaskara"

The elderly who face physical limitations find it difficult to practice the 12 postures of the traditional Surya Namaskar of Sun Salutation. However, a
simpler technique could be evolved, by adapting a few aspects of the Japanese morning prayer of Satya Reiki while breathing in the Suns energy into the
third eye and other chakras.
The Surya Namaskar is a traditional morning ritual in the nature of paying tribute to the Sun. It is not easy to do the 12 complicated physical movements
in a set pattern while breathing deeply and chanting mantras. The elderly, the infirm and the weak therefore stay content with just sun-gazing .
Among the Japanese traditional Sun mantras in Reiki as part of morning prayers is: A-Ma-Te-Ra-Su Oo Mi-Kami . The mantras are chanted as prayers asking
that all are cleansed, purified, protected and made happy. May the Divine flourish everywhere is the common refrain at the close of prayer.
The simple technique entails Sun-gazing for a few seconds just when the Sun is rising, combined with the Japanese morning prayer and conscious breathing
in of the Suns energy into the chakras or energy centres in a sequence, without much physical movement. The steps involved are:


Posture: Stand facing the Sun in an open space, bare feet placed slightly apart and hands together in the prayer position at the level of the heart.


Thanksgiving: Bow to the Sun two times thanking God and Existence.


Purification: Clap your hands twice to remove negativity from the space around you so that your mind can focus better.


Chanting of prayers.


Positioning: Bend the knees slightly. Open and raise your hands and stretch them towards the Sun so that your palms face it.


Focusing: Maintaining the above posture, look towards the rising Sun for not more than eight seconds. Close your eyes and you will now see a replica of
the Sun in the shape of a small intensely shining ball like a dot constantly flickering on the third eye. Enjoy its splendour for a while.


Draw in deep breath slowly and let the hands bend with palms facing the head but not touching it. Feel and visualise the Suns energy entering your crown
chakra through the palms and your head getting charged with it. Continue to breathe in. Slowly move the hands, palms facing downwards, drawing energy towards
the third eye, throat and heart chakras, and solar plexus respectively. Stop for a while on each point facing each chakra and feel the energy in the area.
One can distinctly notice the colour of the ball changing to rainbow colours before disappearing. If you like, you can make a wish in the form of an affirmation
while chanting the Sun Mantra.
To conclude the Surya Namaskar, repeat the mantra Kamnagara-Tamachi-Haemase praying for the Divine to flourish everywhere. Visualise that all beings are
happy, healthy and well protected. Bow to the Sun one time to offer thanks.
The technique helps in burning calories, reducing weight and charging the body with energy sufficient for the rest of the day. Some of the other benefits
include clearing of the energy meridians, activation of the chakras and general wellness